Using phone hotspot as wifimodule over Ble

using phone hotspot as wifimodule over Ble … can it bedone ?

Hi all, i’m new here, fullblown autist, please ignore if i offend you, i don’t understand your emotion and just mean what i typed :sunglasses:

Question, : why would i need a ESP32 when i have a Ble connection and a wifi hotspot on my phone?


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The WiFi module is not meant to connect the Flipper to the internet. The Flipper has no function that uses the internet currently.

What’s the WiFi for then?

  • WiFi debugging (This could technically be done over Bluetooth but if the Flipper is having problems that need debugged Bluetooth might not work so an external module is more dependable)
  • WiFi hacking of various types.
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“WiFi hacking of various types.” ( like de-auth attacks against ssid)

again, why go through the trouble of connecting a wifi chip over GPIO, if you have a working Ble connection to your phone ( wich already has the wifi-chip)

seems extra trouble to invent second wheel ?

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What should be the path of execution?

It seems, the phone is not able to perform a de-auth itself.
So the phone should connect via BLE to the Flipper, which connects back to the phone, got anyhow access to the WiFi chipset and perform a de-auth attack? Plus the variations of chips.
Sounds not like a suitable solution to me.

Just search for Nethunter and get a feeling about how much mobile phones needs an OTG cable plus USB WLAN Card, to perform what you have in mind.

The reason why we need a special board is, because the Flipper itself doesn’t have WiFi. The advantage is direct access to the dedicated chip.


path: flipper Ble connect to phone, commands direct over Ble to phone >adroid’s wifi-chip …bada-boom ? :laughing:

forgive me for beeing stubborn, i just dont understand how direct acces to (extra) wifi-chip over gpio add’s anything, when i have the same chip in my phone, and can send it commands over Ble (or even usb ?? ) ?

Be a stubborn. Ask questions is okay.

I really doubt the phone will give you over BLE access to the WiFi chip. Especially not over Tethering, because this is just a routing solution.
But you need to discuss this in the community form from the brand of your mobile device.

The GPIO Chip is not able to perform the communication we do right now. It is just a very specialized set of hardware, driver and application. Direct, with as less layers as possible.

No big bada boom. Leeloo has still to read a little more about the wireless communication protocols.