Using the CLI, how do I set the data to send when emulating

I am playing around a bit with the CLI but the nfc command has very little information.

>: nfc
nfc <cmd>
Cmd list:
        detect   - detect nfc device
        emulate  - emulate predefined nfca card


How do I actually set a payload for the emulation?
I already have a saved NFC that I would like to emulate but I can’t find any information on how to do that, using the CLI.

I really think if we could have one of the people “in the know” spend one hour with one of us we could help them advance both the CLI documentation as well as the good 'ol help documentation.

I volunteer for this task if you guys are up for it :pray:

The NFC CLI is currently used for testing at the factory, so there’s no customisability, the data is fixed, as you can see on the screenshot.

You can add an Issue to our github repository requesting the expansion of the CLI commands, and the dev team will add it to the backlog.

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