When can we order a Flipper?

I saw that the cargo container got through US Customs so I was wondering when we can order a Flipper. Do we have to wait until all the September orders are filled or are there other reasons we can’t order?

@Log , You can order now through Joom. They ship direct from Hong Kong.

For Europe / Shengan space :

All it says when I go to their Joom is that the store has been temporarily closed.

@Log that’s really odd. I have ordered one through them, and can still order another. Is it possible you’re in a country not supported by them? They are only shipping to 7 countries presently.

I live in the USA which is not shipping to right, my question was when we will be able to order again.

@Log ahh right. Yeah USA isn’t on the list of Joom supported sites. I live in Australia and until Joom popped up as an option, flipper were only shipping to the USA. You’re essentially in the same boat I was a couple of weeks ago. Its just a complete role reversal.

Another option is if you know someone in one of the countries they are shipping to, get them to order it for you and reimburse them.

I actually got a mate in the USA to order me one when they were only shipping to the USA. He’s still waiting for it to arrive. Meanwhile Joom popped up as an option to ship to Australia so I jumped on that. Now I have 2 on the way and its just a matter of which one will get here first.

Only other option is buy from someone selling one privately at 10x the price (up to $1000USD). Just be careful as I did that out of desperation from someone posting on the buy sell section of this forum, and got scammed. He was selling one, then when he had scammed as many people as he could, changed his name and listed another flipper for sale to scam more people. That was a $200USD lesson I wont forget.

“Deputy Service” comes to mind … Some years ago i would use services like Shopping Mall JP to buy anime stuff on Japan like cells/Douga/Genga and get it shipped to me … There are services like those (reputable) that would be better to user rather than asking for a random person and get scammed … If you are in Europe by all means use Lab401 when they get more Flippers on stock as it will save trouble importing from outside the Shengan space.

@Log where did you see the cargo container cleared customs? The only update I have is the email I received on the 3rd that it was held up by customs, and have received no update since.


Original cargo didn’t clear customs, they did just attempt with another new cargo (most likely way smaller) to test and this one did clear customs …

While we wait for an official response from CBP we’ve sent a new small batch via a different logistics channel to check if this a global US import ban of Flipper Zero product or just an issue with this specific shipment. This cargo has successfully passed customs, which means there is no global ban on our product, which is comforting.

Therefore, while we work on releasing the original shipment, we’ve decided put Plan B in motion:
In the near future, we will send 50% of orders through an alternative delivery channel. If it is successfully delivered, we will send the other half of the orders.

We do this to reduce the risks — If we send all 100% of orders in one go and it gets delayed once again, we will not have devices in stock for such experiments.

The original cargo passed today.

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Good to know !!! Very cool !

I can’t order it it says its sold out

It’s sold out on joom, i’m from brazil and they sell here for 1000USD, it’s TOO expansive

You guys just need to wait for it to be available from a cheaper supplyer. For now there are very few Flipper devices on the market so many people are taking advantage of that to sell the ones they did manage to buy at a very high price for example on ebay… Just wait for the capacity of production/distribuition to increase.

Yeah ik, there’s peoples on my country selling the flipper 5 time more than the normal price

Would joom say if they are out of stock?