Write to Blank NFC Card?

I would like to see this very much as well. The city I live in loves to issue NFC cards, apparently. We have underground trash bins and to open different kind of bins, you need different cards, as they are connected to the waste management billing. I have no intention whatsoever to clone other peoples cards, let me be clear about that, that would be illegal. The only thing I want is to have to have less cards in my wallet.

So being able to copy NFC Cards (in my case MIFARE Classic 1k 7bit) to i.e. an empty sticker that does the same would make my life so much easier.

Normally, one sticker holds data of one card, and the exceptions are rare (Lab401 sells one example - a large fob with buttons, emulating different cards depending on which is pressed. It won’t fit your needs, though, because it is only capable of 1k 4byte).
Did you try emulating to the bins from the Flipper itself - that’s exactly what is was designed for?

You misunderstood me. I know that one sticker can only hold one RFID UID and I actually do have the multi RFID FOB from Lab401 you mention. I am currently talking to them to see if I can get my hands on a batch that has 125 kHz as well as the 1k 7byte. Depending on their MOQ I might be able to swing it. I could imagine there might also be some interest around here for that kind of thing?

The advantage of having a sticker would be that I can just put that inside my wallet and it would take up a LOT less space compared to the cards issued by the municipality. And waving my wallet at the bin looks like nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Totally inconspicous. And the flipper would be my device of choice to write to those tags.

Emulating with the Flipper itself works perfectly fine, I was very much surprised who easy that turned out to be, after I had been struggling with quite a few eBay & Amazon RFID writers. Worked within 10 Minutes. But like I said, somehow I feel more suspicious when using it.

You may have some problems with this part. While NFC supports identifying every tag in range, most readers do not implement it and behave spuriously when presented with multiple cards.

Getting to the topic of writing, you should first figure out what type of stickers do you have: Gen1 aka UID or Gen2 aka CUID (others are unlikely). Gen1 is written with Flipper, Apps-NFC-Magic. Gen2 with MifareClassicTool on Android.

If you have re-writable tags that support rewrite, then yes. Check Lab401 for available cards, they have all you want/need. Just cloning/bruting magic/1k/4k tags is not the best way to do on the FZ cpu, but you could write all tags in theory. Just for fast copying the PM3 seems a preferable option just voor having more direct options for writing/cloning and exploiting some older card types. With the newer desfire type 2 cards, and variable fields its gonna be a bit harder. But writing json/bin directly to a card should not be a problem. The only place i saw those 7byte ones in actual use seem to be those electric car charging points, which seem to work on hardware ID only and not have anything written to the card it self, so also cloning a 7byte one should not be a problem if it is just the hardware adress and you do not have to break locked blocks. For quick read you want nfctools on your phone next to it so you can verify written data etc.

// It works just fine with the actual card, so I would assume that a sticker should work as well. The only other NFC/RFID card in my wallet would be my bank card which is in a blocker sleeve and hence cannot interfere. Everything else is barcode / magstripe.

Where it is possible, I already put the barcode cards in my phone, but in some instances you have to present the physical card to use it and the barcode is just there for verification.

Slimming down your wallet seems to be almost as hard a struggle as slimming down yourself

How can i wipe the magic card?. On the NFC magic menu doesn’t appear.

Yeah, it’s so sad that Flipper can’t be used to duplicate NFC cards. I bought such re-writable NFC card RFID CUID Card 13.56mhz for Android App MCT Modify UID NFC Changeable 1k s50 Key Tag Block 0 Writable 14443A Clone Duplicate and can’t write saved NFC key to them. Then I used:

and I got copy of original NFC card.
I would like to do the same only using Flipper 
 Maybe someone can write application for Flipper or there is some hardware limit?

I think everyone is being lazy thanks to the workaround you described. Currently, writable by Flipper and writable by MCT are mutually exclusive and it is not too bad, as it ensures full functions and no duplicate code. Yes, not convenient. But hey, there are plenty of more interesting tasks out there!

Apps => NFC => NFC Magic => Check Magic Tag => “Magic card detected” => More => Wipe

Thanks, but it doesn’t work if can’t read the magic card. The wipe option doesn’t appear.
The best way is resert to the factory values.
Some one helped me and I did that he wrote me:
Magic card gen4:
run in cli: nfc apdu CF00000000CC and send output there
put card at back of flipper anyway
in lab.flipper.net
nfc apdu CF00000000F000000000000002000978009102DABC191010111213141516040008004F6B run this now