I’m using latest build of windows 11. I successfully put the wifi board into bootloader mode (I see it in the device mgr). I run the firmware update command and its saying:
PS C:\Users\thoma\flipperzero-firmware> py -m ufbt devboard_flash
scons: Entering directory `C:\Users\thoma.ufbt\current\scripts\ufbt’
fbt: warning: Folder app: manifest application.fam is missing
LoadAppManifest, line 33, in file “C:\Users\thoma.ufbt\current\scripts\fbt_tools\fbt_apps.py”
python C:\Users\thoma.ufbt\current\scripts/wifi_board.py
2023-11-12 16:52:58,243 [ERROR] WiFi board not found
2023-11-12 16:52:58,243 [INFO] Please connect WiFi board to your computer, hold down BOOT button and press RESET button
scons: *** [phony_devboard_flash] Error 1
PS C:\Users\thoma\flipperzero-firmware>